Sunday, July 9, 2017

Day 3 at Sea

Sea days are always relaxing as you really have no where to go...but plenty of things to do!
We started our day out with a nice made to order breakfast (always better than the run of the mill buffet) and then a trip to the pool filled Erin and Bryan's morning while Julie ran 5 miles! Kevin, my Dad and I started out with a progressive trivia case anyone is interested, the safety pin was patented in 1849! (No, we didn't get that one right). Overall, I think we made a respectable 135 out of a possible 200, the next 2 sea days we will continue accumulating points in hopes of winning a key chain!
After art auction. Kevin really enjoys art, me...not so much, but as a good sister I accompanied him on the 2 hour event...yikes!
Some relaxing at the pool filled the rest of the afternoon until it was time for dinner. The show this evening was 90 minutes of Grease. Well done, but I think PHS kids did better in their Grease rendition this year. Bryan interjected...rather loudly, to the 1 characters line...see you, Bryan chimes in "wouldn't want to be ya".
This ship is very large. 4,199 passengers from 64 different countries, USA 🇺🇸 is the best represented. The food is good, entertainment good (tomorrow night will be an ice show) and customer service is good as well. So far the weather has been very pleasant, around 75 and feels much warmer in the sun.
Tomorrow we step foot into Oslo. Hopefully I will get some nice pictures to share.

1 comment:


Le Havre As I mentioned yesterday, we changed our excursion to D-Day Beaches due to concerns of what we actually would be able to see in ...